Contingency Planning with OpenStreetMap (OSM) and QGIS/InaSAFE




The Contingency Planning with OpenStreetMap (OSM) and QGIS/InaSAFE workshop program is designed to provide provincial and district disaster management agency officials and staff with the knowledge and skills required to handle emergencies during all stages of a disaster. The knowledge and skills acquired through this workshop program will help them to reduce and manage risks from natural disasters.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) has identified as a priority the need to create improved methodology for contingency planning. This methodology is focused on the use of realistic disaster scenarios as a starting point for the new comprehensive process.

BNPB and Australian Government through Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) have worked together to create open source software tools for realistic disaster scenario development as an input for contingency planning. They are designed to help disaster managers improve their own scenario analysis which can be used as an input for their disaster contingency planning.

To aid the BNPB workshop centre (Pusat Diklat BNPB) in developing systematic workshops which cover all required competencies, this package of training and curriculum materials was created. The workshop curriculum is developed to be used as reference in workshop organisation, both for national or provincial/district level.

This curriculum will be enhanced through test and input from stakeholders, both from government and non-government agencies.


As one of the most hazard-prone and densely populated countries in the world, Indonesia faces significant risk of loss of life and challenges to development progress as a result of natural disasters. This is why disaster risk reduction has been recognised by the Government of Indonesia as one of their top eleven priorities in the Medium-Term Development Plan (2010-2014). In recognition of the impact of disasters on developing economies, AusAid’s policy on disaster risk reduction highlights the importance of investing in disaster reduction.

BNPB has a mandate to increase the overall disaster management capacity of Indonesia, including workshops for managers who handle disasters at the sub-national level. To date, BNPB’s Education and Workshop Centre has been developing a range of workshop curriculum and modules with specific focus on

  1. Basic Disaster Management

  2. Rapid Assessment and Coordination

  3. Contingency Planning

BNPB works with various actors and stakeholders on the development of these workshop modules. BNPB has identified as a priority the need to improve its methodology for contingency planning with an emphasis on the use of realistic disaster scenarios as the starting point for this new comprehensive process.

BNPB and Australian Government through the Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction have worked together on a methodology and associated open source software for developing realistic disaster scenarios for contingency planning. This will enable emergency managers to develop their own scenario assessments that can feed into their disaster contingency plans. Over the last year three specific tools have been piloted in Indonesia with huge success:

  • InaSAFE: a free and open source software that produces realistic natural hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response activities. It is being developed by AIFDR in close consultation with BNPB.

  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) tools: OSM is a free map of the world that anyone can add to and edit. Community mapping allows for more detailed information to be collected that can be utilised for analysis in InaSAFE (e.g. How many houses will be affected by a specific hazard).

  • QGIS: open source Geographical Information System (GIS) software that allows users to spatially analyse their data. It is also the platform on which InaSAFE is built.

In order to ensure uptake, effectiveness and sustainability of these tools it is necessary to develop and test a comprehensive workshop package for each individual tool as well as create a pool of trainers across Indonesia.

This curriculum outline describes competencies to be achieved, the lists of content required to achieve the competencies in the workshop package and the program structure of the workshop course. The workshop consists of beginner, intermediate and training of trainer levels. The beginner workshop is mainly aimed to introduce participants to the concept of realistic disaster scenario development and help them become socialised to the concepts and explore all three of the open source tools. In contingency planning, having realistic disaster scenarios contributes significantly to the reliability of the created planning results. As complexity and uncertainty are common in developing realistic disaster scenarios, advanced knowledge and skills in mapping and impact calculations using OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE are required. For this reason, the intermediate level of the workshop on OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE is required to further participants’ knowledge and skills to work with the tools in anticipating possible disaster events and impacts.

The beginner and intermediate workshops are expected to be continued with an advanced level course for training of trainers.

To gain the required competencies, the workshop course is expected to apply andragogical principles (a learning approach for adults) with an emphasis on real tasks in the field and various methods in engaging active participation from the participants.


The workshop consists of three levels:

  1. Beginner Workshop

  • Collecting Data Using OSM (Beginner)

  • Data Analysis Using QGIS and InaSAFE (Beginner)

  1. Intermediate Workshop

  • Collecting Data Using OSM (Intermediate)

  • Data Analysis Using QGIS and InaSAFE (Intermediate)

  1. Training of Trainer (ToT) Workshop


A. Aims

The scheme of the curriculum on Scenario Development for Contingency Planning by using OSM and QGIS/InaSAFE is designed to provide a reference to workshop organisers at national, provincial and district levels.

The course consists of three separate workshops which cover four training modules and a training for trainers. The objective of the first workshop is to provide a complete, albeit beginner understanding of all components of the scenario development process. The second workshop is intended to continue on to more advanced topics in OSM and QGIS/InaSAFE.

The main objective of the ToT workshop is to train people to be leaders and trainers in Scenario Development program for Contingency Planning (SD4CP) in their respective regions.

After completing the three workshops, participants will have the skills in OSM / QGIS / InaSAFE which are needed as a facilitator, to help train others in developing realistic disaster scenarios that can be used in contingency plans. This will lead to better decision making during the process of making contingency plans. It is also expected that those who reach the training of trainer level can provide technical assistance in their respective regions.

B. Target Audience and Qualifications

The target participants of the workshop courses, both at beginner and intermediate levels are:

  1. Persons responsible in developing contingency plans at BPBD at provincial and district levels. Priority is given to those working in the prevention working unit

  2. Lecturers and students from relevant departments such as Geography, Geodesy, Geomatics, Information Technology and other earth-related sciences

  3. Representatives from NGOs working in disaster risk reduction

  4. Other relevant organisations such as Army, Police, Red Cross and Scouts

  5. Other relevant agencies

Qualifications for participants at beginner level:

  1. Able to operate a computer (word processing, presentations, internet, spreadsheets)

  2. Have a laptop with minimum RAM of 2 GB (recommended 4 GB)

  3. Having a GPS unit and understanding of how it works is an advantage

  4. Having basic skills in Geographic Information Systems is an advantage

Qualifications for participants at intermediate level:

  1. MUST have attended the workshop at beginner level OR equivalent knowledge OR have a background in Geographic Information Systems and have read through the beginner manuals

  2. Able to operate a computer (word processing, presentations, internet, spreadsheets)

  3. Have a laptop with minimum RAM of 2 GB (recommended 4 GB)

  4. Have an understanding of Geographic Information Systems

  5. Having a GPS unit and understanding of how it works is an advantage

Qualifications for participants at Training of Trainer (ToT) level:

  1. MUST have attended the workshop at both beginner and intermediate levels.

  2. Demonstrate the potential to be a key advocate, trainer and technical resource for Scenario Development Contingency Planning in their region

  3. Satisfactory completion of prerequisite tasks (as assessed by HOT)

C. Map of Competencies

Note that the competencies map (and curriculum scheme below) are organised by topic, rather than by workshop level.

1. Beginner Workshop



Standard and Basic Competencies

Collecting Data Using OSM (Beginner)

Collecting Spatial Data with OSM

  1. Draw paper maps to gain a basic understanding of OpenStreetMap

  2. Navigate OpenStreetMap website

  3. Operate JOSM

  4. Use GPS to add data to OSM

  5. Use Field Papers to add data to OSM

  6. Edit a map and add information to OSM using JOSM

  7. Correct imagery offset

  8. Get OSM data in a specific format to be analysed further in Geographic Information System (GIS) software

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE (Beginner)

Managing Spatial Data using QGIS and Analysing Disaster Impact Scenarios with InaSAFE

  1. Use GIS to develop scenarios for contingency planning

  2. Understand the benefit of QGIS and InaSAFE for developing realistic scenarios for contingency planning

  3. Install QGIS and understand QGIS user interface

  4. Use QGIS plugins

  5. Understand projection systems and transformation in QGIS

  6. Use and understand vector data

  7. Categorise and create labels from vector data

  8. Use and understand raster data

  9. Create and edit new vector layers

  10. Analyse vector data to solve problems

  11. Create maps with the Map Composer

  12. Use InaSAFE

  13. Understand how to get support for QGIS and InaSAFE in Indonesia

2. Intermediate Workshop



Standard and Basic Competencies

Collecting Data Using OSM (Intermediate)

Quality Assurance in OSM mapping

  1. Apply better digitising techniques for improving quality of collected data

  2. Use JOSM validation tools to ensure the quality of map contributions

  3. Resolve conflicts when uploading OSM data

  4. Create presets files in JOSM

  5. Use private data store feature to keep private data

  6. Create and edit pages in OSM Wiki

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE (Intermediate)

Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE for Contingency Planning

  1. Understand QGIS concepts

  2. Prepare data and keywords for InaSAFE

  3. Determine temporary IDP camp or evacuation locations

  4. Plan evacuation routes based on hazard information

  5. Calculate damage and losses

3. Training of Trainers



Standard and Basic Competencies


Teaching data collection and analysis with OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE in their respective region

  1. Master how to implement adult learning

  2. Demonstrate basic teaching skills

  3. Practise data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE

D. Curriculum Development Process

The curriculum development process is ongoing, and involves the following core components:

  1. Identify the exact competencies that have to be learned to collect spatial data using OSM and analyse it using QGIS/InaSAFE. Competencies are described as standard and basic.

    A standard competency, or workshop material competency, is the minimum requirement of participants which encapsulates their knowledge, attitude, and skill that need to be achieved.

    A basic competency is an individual skill that needs to be mastered by the participant in the workshop material as a reference for indicators.

    Indicators are:

    1. Behavioral characteristics (measurable evidence) that indicate that workshop participants have achieved basic competency

    2. Basic competency achievement marks derived from measurable behavior such as attitude, knowledge and skills

    3. Developed in accordance with the characteristics of the workshop participant, conditions and workshop organiser

    4. Measurable and/or observable

    5. Used as a basis to develop an assessment tool

  2. Compile all teaching and workshop materials to be used in the workshop.

  3. Solicit input from participants who have attended previous workshops.

  4. Discuss with workshop trainers to make sure:

    1. All necessary materials are included.

    2. Depth of the material is in accordance with the competencies to be mastered.

    3. Materials are organised systematically.

E. Curriculum Scheme

Data Collection Using OSM Beginner Level

Standard Competency: Collecting Spatial Data with OSM

Basic competency


Core material

  1. Draw paper maps to gain a basic understanding of OpenStreetMap

  1. Understand the concept of OpenStreetMap

  2. Understand the definition and objectives of data collection

  3. Understand the composition of a map

  4. Make a hand-drawn sketch of an area

The OpenStreetMap Website

  1. Concept of OpenStreetMap

  2. Definition and objectives of data collection

  3. Components of a map

  4. Hand-drawn sketch of an area

  1. Navigate OpenStreetMap website

  1. Visit OSM website

  2. Navigate map on OSM website

  3. Save an image from OSM

  4. Register an OSM account

  5. Edit the OSM map

  6. Save edits

Working with OSM

  1. OSM website

  2. Navigating the OSM map

  3. Saving images from OSM

  4. Creating an OSM account

  5. Editing the OSM map

  1. Operate JOSM

  1. Download JOSM

  2. Install JOSM

  3. Set JOSM preferences

  4. Use basic tools

  5. Draw nodes and ways in JOSM

  6. Change objects

  7. Add tags to objects using presets menu

Working with JOSM

  1. Downloading JOSM

  2. Installing JOSM

  3. Setting preferences in JOSM

  1. Bing imagery

  2. Presets

  3. Plugins

  4. Language settings

  1. Drawing maps using JOSM

  1. Basic operation

  2. Nodes, ways, and shapes

  3. Changing objects

  4. Adding presets

  1. Use GPS to add data to OSM

  1. Understand GPS and the types of GPS

  2. Turn on GPS

  3. Set up GPS

  4. Understand factors that affect GPS accuracy

  5. Understand tracks and waypoints

  6. Collect data using GPS

  7. Copy GPS data (tracks and waypoints) to computer

  8. Open waypoints and tracks in JOSM

  9. Upload GPS tracks using JOSM

  10. Edit OSM based on GPS data in JOSM

Using GPS

  1. What is GPS

  2. Turning on GPS

  3. Navigating the GPS

  4. Tracks and waypoints

  5. Saving location (waypoint)

  6. Turning on the Track Log

  7. GPS settings

  8. How to copy waypoints and tracks to computer

  1. Connecting GPS to computer

  2. Installing GPS driver

  3. GPSBabel program setup

  4. GPSBabel installation

  5. Copying tracks and waypoints

  6. GPS data in JOSM

  1. Uploading GPS tracks in JOSM

  2. Editing GPS data using JOSM

  1. Use Field Papers to add data to OSM

  1. Understand how to use Field Papers

  2. Make and print Field Papers

  3. Add information to Field Papers

  4. Scan and upload Field Papers to

  5. Open Field Papers in JOSM

Field Papers

  1. What is Field Papers

  2. Using Field Papers

  3. Making and printing Field Papers

  4. Mapping with Field Papers

  5. Scanning and uploading

  6. Field Papers in JOSM

  1. Edit a map and add information to OSM using JOSM

  1. Download OSM data in the area you want to edit

  2. Select layers

  3. Edit OSM data

  4. Edit and understand tags

  5. Upload OSM data

  6. Save OSM files

Editing OpenStreetMap with JOSM

  1. Exploring JOSM

  2. JOSM layers

  3. Editing OSM data

  4. Tags

  5. Uploading changes

  6. Saving OSM files

  1. Correct imagery offset

  1. Understand the definition of imagery offset

  2. Understand components of imagery (resolution and georeference)

  3. Explain how imagery offsets occur

  4. Fix imagery offset

Imagery Offset

  1. Definition of imagery offset

  2. Imagery resolution and georeferencing

  3. Imagery offset

  4. Fixing imagery offset

  1. Get OSM data in a specific format to be analysed further in Geographic Information System (GIS) software

  1. Download OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik website

  2. Download customised OpenStreetMap data using HOT Exports

Getting OSM Data

  1. OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik Website

  2. OpenStreetMap data according to region and selecting attributes with HOT export tool

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE Beginner Level

Standard Competency: Managing Spatial Data using QGIS and Analysing Disaster Impact Scenarios with InaSAFE

Basic competency


Core material

  1. Use GIS to develop scenarios for contingency planning

  1. Distinguish between data and information

  2. Understand the concept of GIS

GIS for Developing Contingency Plan

  1. The difference between data and information

  2. Terminology of Geographic Information System (GIS)

  1. Understand the benefit of QGIS and InaSAFE for developing realistic scenario for contingency planning

  1. Understand the role of GIS for preparing contingency planning

  2. Understand the importance of data

  3. Understand the benefits of QGIS/InaSAFE in the development of scenarios for contingency planning

QGIS and InaSAFE in Contingency Planning

  1. GIS for Preparing contingency Planning

  2. The Importance of Data

  3. QGIS and InaSAFE

  1. Install QGIS and understand QGIS user interface

  1. Download QGIS

  2. Install QGIS

  3. Open a previously created QGIS project

  4. Understand the layers panel

  5. Access basic tools through the toolbar

  6. Clean up the toolbar

  7. Show a map in the map window

  8. Get information on an active map through the status bar

The Basics of QGIS

  1. Getting QGIS

  2. Installing QGIS

  3. QGIS user interface layout

  4. Adding vector layer

  5. QGIS basic tool

  6. Panning maps

  1. Use QGIS plugins

  1. Understand the concept of plugins

  2. Install QGIS plugins

  3. Add satellite imagery via OpenLayers

QGIS Plugins

  1. Plugin setup

  2. Installing plugin

  3. OpenLayers plugin

  1. Understand projection systems and transformation in QGIS

  1. Understand Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

  2. Identify the CRS of a vector dataset

  3. Do ‘on the fly’ reprojection

  4. Save dataset with a different CRS

  5. Create a custom projection

Map Projection Basics

  1. Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

  2. “On the fly” reprojection

  3. Dataset with different CRS

  4. Defining a custom projection

  1. Use and understand vector data

  1. Understand vector data

  2. Identify attributes of vector data

  3. Add vector layers

  4. Symbolise vector layers

Working with Vector Data

  1. Vector data

  2. Data attribute

  3. Add vector data

  4. Symbology

  1. Categorise and create labels from vector data

  1. Explore attribute data of an object attributes and understand the uses of different types of data

  2. Add labels to vector layers

  3. Symbolise vector data using categories

Labels and Classification

  1. Data attributes

  2. Tool label

  3. Classification

  1. Use and understand raster data

  1. Create raster data

  2. Change raster symbology

  3. Perform terrain analysis

Working with Raster Data

  1. How to load raster data

  2. Tool label

  3. Classification

  1. Create and edit new vector layers

  1. Add a raster layer for digitising

  2. Create new vector features (polygon, lines and points)

  3. Digitise new vector layers by tracing a raster layer, considering topology

  4. Georeference an image

Creating Vector Layers

  1. Adding raster layer

  2. Creating new vector feature

  3. Digitising new vector layer

  4. Georeference

  1. Analyse vector data to solve problems

  1. Understand the GIS process

  2. Identify addressable problems

  3. Understand data needs

  4. Start a QGIS project

  5. Analyse problems

  6. Identify hazard zones

  7. Look for important roads

  8. Look for medical facilities

  9. Buffer roads

  10. Buffer medical facilities

  11. Analyse overlapped areas

  12. Choose features by landuse type

Vector Analysis for Problem Solving

  1. GIS Processes

  2. Problems

  3. Data

  4. Starting a project

  5. Analysing problems: farms and moors

  6. Hazard zone

  7. Searching for important roads

  8. Searching for health facilities

  9. Road Buffer

  10. Health Facilities Buffer

  11. Overlapped area

  12. Choosing farms and moors

  13. Choosing land area with right size

  1. Create maps with the Map Composer

  1. Arrange map layout

  2. Add a new map

  3. Add title to a map

  4. Add graphic and numeric scales

  5. Add grid to a map

  6. Add an inset

  7. Customise the content of the legend

  8. Export a map to different formats (pdf, jpeg, svg)

Using Map Composer

  1. Map Composer

  2. Adding new maps

  3. Adding a title to the map

  4. Adding scale

  5. Adding grids

  6. Adding inset

  7. Adding legend

  8. Printing the map

  1. Use InaSAFE

  1. Understand the concept of hazard, exposure and impact data

  2. Understand how to determine impact

  3. Understand the InaSAFE interface

  4. Add hazard data

  5. Add unprocessed exposure data (vector and raster)

  6. Use the keywords editor

  7. Analyse impact

  8. Improve InaSAFE output map

  9. Save and print scenario results

Understanding InaSAFE

  1. Hazard, Exposure, Impact

  2. InaSAFE interface

  3. Adding hazard data

  4. Adding exposure data

  5. Adding keyword in metadata

  6. Impact analysis

  7. Improving InaSAFE maps output

  8. Using print button

  9. Saving your work

  1. Understand how to get support for QGIS and InaSAFE in Indonesia

  1. Use social media to connect with InaSAFE community

  2. Access QGIS tutorial website

Getting Support

  1. Facebook

  2. QGIS tutorials

Data Collection Using OSM Intermediate Level

Standard Competency: Quality Assurance in OSM mapping

Basic competency


Core material

  1. Apply better digitising technique for improving quality of collected data.

  1. Use advanced editing tools in JOSM

  2. Make relations among objects

Advanced Editing

  1. Advanced editing tools

  1. Default drawing tools

  2. Plugins

  1. Relations

  1. Editing relations

  2. Multipolygons and linestrings

  1. Use JOSM validation tools to ensure the quality of map contributions

  1. Use validation tools in JOSM

  2. Use online validation tools

Quality Assurance

  1. Error and warnings

  2. Using the validation tool

  3. Common validation warnings

  4. Using the tasking manager

  5. Editing tips

  6. Presets standardisation

  7. KeepRight

  1. Resolve conflicts when uploading OSM data

  1. Identify conflicts

  2. Understand why conflicts occur

  3. Solve conflicts

Dealing with Conflicts

  1. Conflicts

  2. Conflict resolution

  3. Ways to avoid conflicts

  1. Create presets files in JOSM

  1. Understand tags

  2. Understand XML

  3. Understand keys and values

  4. Make presets

  5. Put preset files into JOSM

  6. Apply new presets to an object

Creating JOSM File Presets

  1. Tags and presets

  2. Introduction to XML

  3. JOSM presets files

  1. Use private data store feature to keep private data

  1. Understand the functions of the Separate Data Store (SDS)

  2. Understand what data should be kept publicly and what should be private

  3. Install SDS plugin in JOSM

  4. Use SDS presets

  5. Use SDS plugin for selecting public and private data

  6. Access online datastore

Using the Separate Data Store

  1. Installing the SDS plugin

  2. Using the plugin

  3. How it works

  4. Accessing the datastore online

  1. Create and edit pages in OSM wiki

  1. Make an account on the OpenStreetMap wiki

  2. Understand conventions and rules in developing a wiki page

  3. Edit the wiki

  4. Upload files and images

  5. Translate and revise wiki

Editing the OpenStreetMap Wiki

  1. OSM wiki

  2. Signing up

  3. Editing

  4. Wiki formatting

  5. Creating a new page

  6. Uploading files and images

  7. Translating pages

  8. Watching pages

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE Intermediate Level

Standard Competency: Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE for Contingency Planning

Basic competency


Core material

  1. Understand QGIS concepts

  1. Identify data types in QGIS

  2. Understand symbology

  3. Understand map layout

QGIS Review

  1. Data types in QGIS

  2. Symbolising data

  3. Map layout

  1. Prepare data and keywords for InaSAFE

  1. Understand InaSAFE inputs

  2. Get OSM data from the HOT export server

  3. Load data into InaSAFE

  4. Add keywords

  5. Prepare the hazard layer

  6. Run InaSAFE

Preparing data and keywords for InaSAFE

  1. InaSAFE inputs

  2. Getting OSM data from HOT Exports

  3. Loading data

  4. Adding keywords

  5. Preparing a hazard layer

  6. Running InaSAFE

  1. Determine temporary IDP camp or evacuation locations

  1. Develop criteria for determining an ideal IDP camp location

  2. Use geoprocessing tools

  3. Use various spatial queries: contains, within, equal, intersect and is disjoint

  4. Combine geoprocessing tools and spatial queries to select building(s) for temporary IDP camps

Determining IDP Camp Location

  1. Geoprocessing tools

  2. Spatial queries

  3. IDP camp criteria and data

  4. Criteria #1: building must be outside affected area

  5. Criteria #2: location must have direct access to a primary/secondary road within 20 metres

  6. Criteria #3: building must have an area of at least 225 square metres

  1. Plan evacuation routes based on hazard information

  1. Understand the concept of shortest path and fastest route

  2. Use the Road Graph plugin

  3. Set up speed and road direction

  4. Determine start and destination points

  5. Conduct route analysis and selection

Planning an Evacuation Route

  1. Road graph plugin

  2. Editing plugin settings

  3. Choosing start and destination points

  1. Calculate damage and losses

  1. Understand the definition of damages, losses and their calculation based on community exposure data

  2. Understand damage and losses assessment values based on BNPB and BPBD

  3. Make a damage and losses map

  4. Calculate damage area

  5. Manipulate attribute data of affected features to obtain damage values for each object

  6. Manipulate attribute data of affected features to obtain loss values for each object

  7. Group attribute data for administrative areas (hamlet village, subdistrict)

  8. Combine attribute data for administrative areas (hamlet village, subdistrict)

  9. Present damage and loss values using charts

Calculating Damages and Losses

  1. BPBD damage assessment guide

  2. Damage and losses assessment map

  3. Calculating damage area

  4. Calculating damages using the Group Stats plugin

  5. Calculating losses

  6. Calculating losses using the Group Stats plugin

  7. Joining data

  8. Creating a chart

Training of Trainer Workshop for Contingency Planning using OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE

Standard Competency: Participant can be a workshop facilitator to teach Data collection and Data Analysis through OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE in their respective region.

Basic competency


Core material

  1. Master how to implement adult learning

  1. Explain the principles of adult learning

  2. Analyse the characteristics of adult learning

  3. Determine strategies, teaching methods or techniques that apply in adult learning

  4. Evaluate adult learning

Adult Learning

  1. Principles of adult learning

  2. Characteristics of adult learning

  3. Strategies, teaching methods or techniques that apply adult learning

  4. Adult learning evaluation

  1. Demonstrate basic teaching skills

  1. Describe the principles of effective communication

  2. Describe the communication models in workshops

  3. Demonstrate the basic skills component of teaching workshops

Communication skills

  1. Principles of effective communication

  2. Communication models in workshop

  3. Basic teaching skills component

  1. Practise Data Collection and Analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  1. Practise data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE workshop using adult learning

  2. Practise communication skills in data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE workshop

Facilitator Skills for Data Collection and Analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  1. Implementation of adult learning in data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  2. Implementation of communication skills data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

F. Curriculum Structure

Based on the curriculum, program structure is designed as follows.

1. Data Collection Using OSM Beginner Level


Workshop Material

Time (learning hour) @ 45Minutes

General Program




Main Program


The OpenStreetMap website


Working with OSM


Working with JOSM


Using GPS


Field Papers


Editing OpenStreetMap with JOSM


Imagery Offset


Getting OSM Data


Supporting Program


Opening and Closing


Workshop Evaluation




2. Data Analysis Using QGIS/ InaSAFE Beginner Level


Workshop Material

Time (learning hour) @ 45 Minutes

General Program


BNPB Policy


Main Program


Using GIS to develop scenario for contingency planning


Explaining the benefit of QGIS and InaSAFE for developing realistic scenario for contingency planning


Installing QGIS and explaining QGIS user interface


Using QGIS plugins


Determining projection system and transformation in QGIS


Working with vector data


Categorising and creating label from vector data


Working with raster data


Creating and editing new vector layer


Analysing vector data to solve problem


Creating maps with Map Composer


Using InaSAFE


Keeping interaction and communication to support QGIS and InaSAFE in Indonesia


Supporting Program


Opening and Closing


Workshop Evaluation




3. Data Collection Using OSM Intermediate Level


Workshop Material

Time (learning hour) @ 45 Minutes

General Program


BNPB Policy


Main Program


Advanced Editing


Quality Assurance


Resolving conflicts when uploading OSM Data


XML and Presets in JOSM


Using Private Data Store


OpenStreetMap Wiki


Supporting Program


Opening and Closing


Workshop Evaluation




4. Data Analysis Using QGIS/ InaSAFE Intermediate Level


Workshop Material

Time (learning hour) @ 45Minutes

General Program


BNPB Policy


Main Program


QGIS Review


Preparing data and keywords for InaSAFE


Planning temporary shelter


Planning evacuation route


Calculating damage and losses




Supporting Program


Opening and Closing


Workshop Evaluation




5. Training of Trainer for Contingency Planning Using OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE


Workshop Material

Time (learning hour) @ 45Minutes

General Program


BNPB Policy


Main Program


Adult learning


Communication skills


Practising Data Collection and Analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop


Supporting Program


Opening and Closing


Workshop Evaluation




The syllabus is a learning plan for the workshop material that includes basic competencies, indicators, core material, learning activity, assessment, allocation of time and learning resources. The syllabus is based on the structure of the program and allocation of a predetermined time.

This syllabus is described in more detail in the toolkit/workshop manuals separate from this curriculum. Therefore, the syllabus may be more easily understood by reading the prepared toolkit.

Data Collection Using OSM Beginner Level

Standard Competency: Collecting Spatial Data with OSM

Basic competency


Core material

Learning Activity

Time Allocation


Learning Sources

1. Basic Concept of OpenStreetMap Website (2 Hours)

Draw paper maps to gain a basic understanding of OpenStreetMap

  1. Understand the concept of OpenStreetMap

  2. Understand the definition and objectives of data collection

  3. Understand the composition of a map

  4. Make a hand-drawn sketch of an area

The OpenStreetMap Website

  1. Concept of OpenStreetMap

  2. Definition and objectives of data collection

  3. Components of a map

  4. Hand-drawn sketch of an area

Quiz about OSM, data, and map

Make a hand-drawn sketch of an area (individually)

90 Minutes


Projector Slide PPT Module 1 Paper and pen

2. Working with OSM (4 Hours)

Navigate OpenStreetMap website

  1. Visit OSM website

  2. Navigate map on OSM Website

  3. Save an image from OSM

  4. Register an OSM account

  5. Edit the OSM map

  6. Save edits

Working with OSM

  1. OSM website

  2. Navigating the OSM map

  3. Saving images from OSM

  4. Creating an OSM account

  5. Editing the OSM map

Participants visit the OSM website, navigate the map, save OSM map as an image, create an OSM account, and edit the OSM map after demonstrated by Facilitator

180 Minutes


Participant’s computer Projector Slide PPT Module 2

3. Working with JOSM (4 Hours)

Operate JOSM

  1. Download JOSM

  2. Install JOSM

  3. Set JOSM preferences

  4. Use basic tools

  5. Draw nodes and ways in JOSM

  6. Change objects

  7. Add tags to objects using presets menu

Working with JOSM

  1. Downloading JOSM

  2. Installing JOSM

  3. Setting preferences in JOSM

  1. Bing imagery

  2. Presets

  3. Plugins

  4. Language settings

  1. Drawing maps using JOSM

  1. Basic operation

  2. Nodes, ways, and shapes

  3. Changing objects

  4. Adding presets

Participants practise how to download and install JOSM, change JOSM preferences, learn basic map drawing in jOSM, and add presets after demonstrated by facilitator

180 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 3 Participant’s computer

All required software that is distributed to participant on USB stick

4. Using GPS (10 Hours)

Use GPS to add data to OSM

  1. Understand GPS and the types of GPS

  2. Turn on GPS

  3. Set up GPS

  4. Understand factors that affect GPS accuracy

  5. Understand tracks and waypoints

  6. Collect data using GPS

  7. Copy GPS data (tracks and waypoints) to computer

  8. Open waypoints and tracks in JOSM

  9. Upload GPS tracks in JOSM

  10. Edit OSM based on GPS data in JOSM

Using GPS

  1. What is GPS

  2. Turning on GPS

  3. Navigating the GPS

  4. Tracks and waypoints

  5. Saving location (waypoint)

  6. Turning on the Track Log

  7. GPS settings

  8. How to copy waypoints and tracks to computer

  1. Connecting GPS to computer

  2. Installing GPS driver

  3. GPSBabel program setup

  4. GPSBabel installation

  5. Copying tracks and waypoints

  6. GPS data in JOSM

  1. Uploading GPS tracks in JOSM

  2. Editing GPS data using JOSM

Participants are asked about and discuss GPS.

Participants practise how to turn on GPS, set up GPS for the first time, navigate with GPS, save tracks and waypoints, turn on track log, and transferr waypoints and tracks to computer after demonstrated by facilitator

5 hours and 30 minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 4 Participant’s Computer

GPS Device (ideally minimum one GPS for two or three participants) Pen and Paper

5. Field Papers (10 Hours)

Use Field Papers to add data to OSM

  1. Understand how to use Field Papers

  2. Make and print Field Papers

  3. Add information to Field Papers

  4. Scan and upload Field Papers to

  5. Open Field Papers in JOSM

Field Papers

  1. What is Field Papers

  2. Using Field Papers

  3. Making and printing Field Papers

  4. Mapping with Field Papers

  5. Scanning and uploading

  6. Field Papers in JOSM

Participants are asked about and discuss Field Papers.

Participants practise how Field Papers works, how to create and print Field Papers, how to map with Field Papers, scan and upload, and how to to open scanned Field Papers in JOSM after demonstrated by Facilitator

5 hours and 30 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 5 Participant’s computer Example of Field Papers

6. Editing OpenStreetMap with JOSM (12 Hours)

Edit a map and add information to OSM using JOSM

  1. Download OSM data in the area you want to edit

  2. Select layers

  3. Edit OSM data

  4. Edit and understand tags

  5. Upload OSM data

  6. Save OSM files

Editing OpenStreetMap with JOSM

  1. Exploring JOSM

  2. JOSM layers

  3. Editing OSM data

  4. Tags

  5. Uploading changes

  6. Saving OSM files

Participants learn JOSM user interface, JOSM layers, and practise how to edit OSM data, tags, upload changes, and saving OSM files, and using keyboard shortcuts after demonstrated by Facilitator

7 Hours


Projector Slide PP Module 6 Participant’s computer

7. Imagery Offset (2 Hours)

Correct imagery offset

  1. Understand the definition of imagery offset

  2. Understand components of imagery (resolution and georeference)

  3. Explain how imagery offsets occur

  4. Fix imagery offset

Imagery Offset

  1. Definition of imagery offset

  2. Imagery resolution and georeferencing

  3. Imagery offset

  4. Fixing imagery offset

Participants watch demo from facilitator and learn about imagery offset, imagery components (resolution and georeference), then practise how to fix imagery offset

90 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 7 Participant’s computer

8. Getting OSM data (2 Hours)

Get OSM data in a specific format to be analysed further in Geographic Information System (GIS) software

  1. Download OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik Website

  2. Download customised OpenStreetMap data using HOT Exports

Getting OSM Data

  1. OpenStreetMap data from Geofabrik Website

  2. OpenStreetMap data according to region and selecting attributes with HOT export tool

Participants practise how to download OSM data from Geofabrik website, and download OSM data based on area and tags needed using Hot export tool

90 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 9 Participant’s computer

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE Beginner Level Workshop

Standard Competency: Managing Spatial Data using QGIS and Analysing Disaster Impact Scenarios with InaSAFE

Basic competency


Core material

Learning Activity

Time Allocation


Learning Sources

1. Using GIS to develop scenario for contingency planning (1 Hour)

Use GIS to develop scenarios for contingency planning

  1. Distinguish between data and information

  2. Explain GIS terminology

GIS for Developing Contingency Plan

  1. The difference between data and information

  2. Terminology of Geographic information System (GIS)

Participants watch presentation from facilitator and discuss about the difference between data and information, and Geographic Information System (GIS) terminology

45 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 1

2. InaSAFE for Contingency Planning (1 Hour)

Understand the benefit of QGIS and InaSAFE for developing realistic scenario for contingency planning

  1. Understand the role of GIS for preparing contingency planning

  2. Understand the importance of data

  3. Understand the benefits of QGIS/InaSAFE in the development of scenarios for contingency planning

QGIS and InaSAFE in Contingency Planning

  1. GIS for Preparing contingency planning

  2. The Importance of Data

  3. QGIS and InaSAFE

Facilitator explains about GIS for contingency planning and the importance of data in QGIS and InaSAFE

45 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 2

3. QGIS Installation and QGIS User Interface Layout (5 Hours)

Install QGIS and understand QGIS user interface

  1. Download QGIS

  2. Install QGIS

  3. Open a previously created QGIS project

  4. Understand the layers panel

  5. Access basic tools through the toolbar

  6. Clean up the toolbar

  7. Show a map in the map window

  8. Get information on an active map through the status bar

The Basics of QGIS

  1. Getting QGIS

  2. Installing QGIS

  3. QGIS User interface layout

  4. Adding vector layer

  5. QGIS basic tool

  6. Panning maps

Participants practise how to get QGIS, install QGIS, set up QGIS, add vector layers, basic QGIS tools, panning map

180 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 3 Participant’s computer QGIS Installation file

4. QGIS Plugin (2 Hours)

Use QGIS plugins

  1. Understand the concept of plugins

  2. Install QGIS plugins

  3. Add satellite imagery via OpenLayers

QGIS Plugins

  1. Plugin setup

  2. Installing plugin

  3. OpenLayers plugin

Participants learn how to manage plugins, install new plugins, and OpenLayer plugin

105 Minutes

105 Minutes

Projector Slide PP Module 4 Participant’s computer

5. Projection systems and Transformation (2 Hours)

Understand projection systems and transformation in QGIS

  1. Understand Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

  2. Identify the CRS of a vector dataset

  3. Do ‘on the fly’ reprojection

  4. Save dataset with a different CRS

  5. Create a custom projection

Map Projection Basics

  1. Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

  2. “On the fly” reprojection

  3. Dataset with different CRS

  4. Making its own projection

Participants learn about Coordinate Reference System (CRS)

Participants practise how to reproject with “on the fly” projection, how to deal with different CRS, and how to set custom projection

90 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 5 Participant’s computer

6. Vector Data (3 Hours)

Use and understand vector data

  1. Understand vector data

  2. Identify attributes of vector data

  3. Add vector layers

  4. Symbolise vector layers

Working with Vector Data

  1. Vector data

  2. Data attribute

  3. Add vector data

  4. Symbology

Participants learn from facilitator about vector data and its attributes

Participants practise how to add vector layers and do symbology

135 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 6 Participant’s computer Example file contain vector data

7. Label and classification (3 Hours)

Categorise and create labels from vector data

  1. Explore attribute data of an object attributes and understand the uses of different types of data

  2. Add labels to vector layers

  3. Symbolise vector data using categories

Labels and Classification

  1. Data attributes

  2. Tool label

  3. Classification

Participants learn about attribute data, labeling tools, and classifying attributes

135 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 7 Participant’s computer Example file contain vector data

8. Raster data (3 Hours)

Use and understand raster data

  1. Create raster data

  2. Change raster symbology

  3. Perform terrain analysis

Working with Raster Data

  1. How to load raster data

  2. Tool label

  3. Classification

Participants learn and practise how to add raster layer, change its symbol, and doing simple terrain analysis.

135 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 8 Participant’s computer Example file contain Raster

9. Creating new Vector data (3 Hours)

Create and edit new vector layers

  1. Add a raster layer for digitising

  2. Create new vector features (polygon, lines and points)

  3. Digitise new vector layers by tracing a raster layer, considering topology

  4. Georeference an image

Creating Vector Layers

  1. Adding raster layer

  2. Creating new vector feature

  3. Digitising new vector layer

  4. Georeference

Participants learn and practise how to add raster layers, change its symbology, and do simple terrain analysis

135 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 8 Participant’s computer Example file contain raster

10. Vector analysis (6 Hours)

Analyse vector data to solve problems

  1. Understand the GIS process

  2. Identify addressable problems

  3. Understand data needs

  4. Start a QGIS project

  5. Analyse problems

  6. Identify hazard zones

  7. Look for important roads

  8. Look for medical facilities

  9. Buffer roads

  10. Buffer medical facilities

  11. Analyse overlapped areas

  12. Choose features by landuse type

Vector Analysis for Problem Solving

  1. GIS Processes

  2. Problems

  3. Data

  4. Starting a project

  5. Analysing problems: farms and moors

  6. Hazard zone

  7. Searching for important roads

  8. Searching for health facilities

  9. Road Buffer

  10. Health Facilities Buffer

  11. Overlapped area

  12. Choosing farms and moors

  13. Choosing land area with right size

Participants discuss about GIS process, problems, and data

Participants learn and practise how to start a project, analyse problems, determining hazard zone, search for important roads and health facilities, buffering, and choosing right size for land area

210 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 9 Module 10 Participant’s computer

11. Map Layout with Map Composer (8 Hours)

Create maps with the Map Composer

  1. Arrange map layout

  2. Add a new map

  3. Add title to a map

  4. Add graphic and numeric scales

  5. Add grid to a map

  6. Add an inset

  7. Customise the content of the legend

  8. Export a map to different formats (pdf, jpeg, svg)

Using Map Composer

  1. Map Composer

  2. Adding new maps

  3. Adding a title to the map

  4. Adding scale

  5. Adding grids

  6. Adding inset

  7. Adding legend

  8. Printing the map

Participants practise how to lay out a map in Map Composer: add a new map, add a title, add scale, add a grid, add an inset, add a legend, and print map

4 hours 30 minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 11 Participant’s computer

12. Working with InaSAFE (8 Hours)


  1. Understand the concept of hazard, exposure, and impact data

  2. Understand how to determine impact

  3. Understand the InaSAFE interface

  4. Add hazard data

  5. Add unprocessed exposure data (vector and raster)

  6. Use the keywords editor

  7. Analyse impact

  8. Improve InaSAFE output map

  9. Save and print scenario results

Understanding InaSAFE

  1. Hazard, Exposure, Impact

  2. InaSAFE interface

  3. Adding hazard data

  4. Adding exposure data

  5. Adding keyword in metadata

  6. Impact analysis

  7. Improving InaSAFE maps output

  8. Using print button

  9. Saving your work

Participants discuss about hazard, exposure, impact and InaSAFE user user interface.

4 Hours 30 Minutes



Projector Slide PP Module 12 Participant’s computer

13. Social media to keep QGIS and InaSAFE interaction (1 Hours)

Understand how to get support for QGIS and InaSAFE in Indonesia

  1. Use social media to connect with InaSAFE community

  2. Access QGIS tutorial website

Getting Support

  1. Facebook

  2. QGIS tutorials

Participants are expected to keep up to date with social media through Facebook or QGIS forum.

60 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 13 Participant’s Computer

Data collection using OSM Intermediate Level Workshop

Standard Competency: Quality Assurance in OSM mapping

Basic competency


Core material

Learning Activity

Time Allocation


Learning Sources

1. Advanced Editing (6 Hours)

Apply better digitising technique for improving quality of collected data.

  1. Use advanced editing tools in JOSM

  2. Make relations between objects

Advanced Editing

  1. Advanced editing tools

  1. Default drawing tools

  2. Plugins

  1. Relations

  1. Editing relations

  2. Multipolygons and linestrings

Participants practise using more editing tools in JOSM and create relations between objects

4 Hours


Projector Slide PP Module 1

Participant’s computer

Exercise file in USB stick

(tools_menu_sample.osm and utilsplugin2_sample.osm)

2. Quality Assurance (6 Hours)

Use JOSM validation tools to ensure the quality of map contributions

  1. Use validation tools in JOSM

  2. Use online validation tools

Quality Assurance

  1. Error and warnings

  2. Using the validation tool

  3. Common validation warnings

  4. Using the tasking manager

  5. Editing tips

  6. Presets standardisation

  7. KeepRight

Participants practise editing tips and giving presets based on standard to improve the quality assurance of OSM data by using validation tools in JOSM, and online validation tools (KeepRight)

4 Hours 15 Minutes


Projector Slide PP Module 2 Participant’s computer

3. Resolving conflicts when uploading OSM data (3 Hours)

Resolve conflicts when uploading OSM data

  1. Identify conflicts

  2. Understand why conflicts occur

  3. Solve conflicts

Dealing with Conflicts

  1. Conflicts

  2. Conflict resolution

  3. Ways to avoid conflicts

Participants discuss how conflicts can happen when uploading OSM data

Participants practise conflict resolution and how to avoid conflicts when uploading OSM data

2 Hours

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 3 Participant’s computer

4. XML and presets in JOSM (5 hours)

Create presets files in JOSM

  1. Understand tags

  2. Understand XML

  3. Understand keys and values

  4. Make presets

  5. Put preset files into JOSM

  6. Apply new presets to an object

Creating JOSM File Presets

  1. Tags and presets

  2. Introduction to XML

  3. JOSM presets files

Participants learn from facilitator about tags, XML, keys and values.

Participants practise making their own preset file, setting up preset files in JOSM, and applying a new preset to some objects.

150 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 4 Participant’s computer

5. Using Private Datastore (3 Hours)

Use private data store feature to keep private data

  1. Understand the functions of the Separate Data Store (SDS)

  2. Understand what data should be kept publicly and what should be private

  3. Install SDS plugin in JOSM

  4. Use SDS presets

  5. Use SDS plugin for selecting public and private data

  6. Access online datastore

Using the Separate Data Store

  1. Installing the SDS plugin

  2. Using the plugin

  3. How it works

  4. Accessing the datastore online

Participants watch presentation from facilitator about private data store function and discuss about the kind of data that can go public and should go private.

Participants practise installing

private data store plugin in JOSM and how to use the plugin also how the plugin works, and accessing the data store via web.

120 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 5 Participant’s computer

6. OpenStreetMap Wiki (3 Hours)

Create and edit pages in OSM wiki

  1. Make an account on the OpenStreetMap wiki

  2. Understand conventions and rules in developing a wiki page

  3. Edit the wiki

  4. Upload files and images

  5. Translate and revise wiki

Editing the OpenStreetMap Wiki

  1. OSM wiki

  2. Signing up

  3. Editing

  4. Wiki formatting

  5. Creating a new page

  6. Uploading files and images

  7. Translating pages

  8. Watching pages

Participants do a FGD about OpenStreetMap Wiki.

Participants practise how to create OSM wiki account, edit wiki, learning about wiki format, create new wiki page, upload images, translate pages, and view the changelog.

2 hours

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 6 Participant’s Computer

Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE Intermediate Level Workshop

Standard Competency: Spatial Data Analysis using QGIS and InaSAFE for Contingency Planning

Basic competency


Core material

Learning Activity

Time Allocation


Learning Sources

1. QGIS Review (3 Hours)

Understand QGIS concepts

  1. Identify data types in QGIS

  2. Understand symbology

  3. Understand map layout

QGIS Review

  1. Data types in QGIS

  2. Symbolising data

  3. Map layout

Participants discuss about QGIS data type, symbology, and map layout.

135 minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 1 Participant’s computer

2. Preparing data and keywords for InaSAFE (4 Hours)

Prepare data and keywords for InaSAFE

  1. Understand InaSAFE inputs

  2. Get OSM data from the HOT export server

  3. Load data into InaSAFE

  4. Add keywords

  5. Prepare the hazard layer

  6. Run InaSAFE

Preparing Data and keywords for InaSAFE

  1. InaSAFE inputs

  2. Getting OSM data from HOT Exports

  3. Loading data

  4. Adding keywords

  5. Preparing a hazard layer

  6. Running InaSAFE

Participants watch explanation about input data in InaSAFE from facilitator

Participants learn to get exposure data from HOT Exports, input data, add keywords, prepare hazard layer, and run InaSAFE

180 Minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 2 Participant’s computer

3. Temporary IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps planning (4 Hours)

Determine temporary IDP camp or evacuation locations

  1. Develop criteria for determining an ideal IDP camp location

  2. Use geoprocessing tools

  3. Use various spatial queries: contains, within, equal, intersect and is disjoint

  4. Combine geoprocessing tools and spatial queries to select building(s) for temporary IDP camps

Determining IDP Camp Location

  1. Geoprocessing tools

  2. Spatial queries

  3. IDP camp criteria and data

  4. Criteria #1: building must be outside affected area

  5. Criteria #2: location must have direct access to a primary/secondary road within 20 metres

  6. Criteria #3: building must have an area of at least 225 square metres

Participants practise QGIS analysis to determine temporary IDP camps

225 minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 3 Participant’s computer

4. Evacuation route planning (3 Hours)

Plan evacuation routes based on hazard information

  1. Understand the concept of shortest path and fastest route

  2. Use the Road Graph plugin

  3. Set up speed and road direction

  4. Determine start and destination points

  5. Conduct route analysis and selection

Planning an Evacuation Route

  1. Road graph plugin

  2. Editing plugin settings

  3. Choosing start and destination points

Participants learn about road graph plugin in QGIS.

Participants practise how to set up road graph plugin, and choose start and end points

225 minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 3 Participant’s computer

5. Damages and losses assessment (4 Hours)

Calculate damage and losses

  1. Understand the definition of damages, losses and their calculation based on community exposure data

  2. Understand damage and losses assessment values based on BNPB and BPBD

  3. Make a damage and losses map

  4. Calculate damage area

  5. Manipulate attribute data of affected features to obtain damage values for each object

  6. Manipulate attribute data of affected features to obtain loss values for each object

  7. Group attribute data for administrative areas (hamlet village, subdistrict)

  8. Combine attribute data for administrative areas (hamlet village, subdistrict)

  9. Present damage and loss values using charts

Calculating Damages and Losses

  1. BPBD damage assessment guide

  2. Damage and losses assessment map

  3. Calculating damage area

  4. Calculating damages using the Group Stats plugin

  5. Calculating losses

  6. Calculating losses using the Group Stats plugin

  7. Joining data

  8. Creating a chart

Participants discuss about BPBD’s damage and losses assessment guide.

Participants learn how to calculate damage and losses using group stat plugin, join data, and create a diagram.

210 minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 5 Participant’s computer

Training of Trainer workshop for contingency planning using OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE

Standard Competency: Teaching data collection and analysis with OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE in their respective region

Basic competency


Core material

Learning Activity

Time Allocation


Learning Sources

1. Adult Learning (2 Hours)

Master how to implement adult learning

  1. Explain the principles of adult learning

  2. Analysing the characteristics of adult learning

  3. Determining strategies, teaching methods or techniques that apply adult learning

  4. Evaluating adult learning

Adult Learning

  1. Principles of adult learning

  2. Characteristics of adult learning

  3. Strategies, teaching methods or techniques that apply adult learning

  4. Adult learning evaluation

  1. Participants learn about characteristics and principles of adult learning

  2. Participants discuss about strategy of adult learning

  3. Participants discuss in pairs about how to evaluate adult learning

90 minutes


Projector Slide PPT Module 1 Plano Paper HVS Paper Small ball Music

2. Communication skill (2 Hours)

Demonstrate basic teaching skills

  1. Describe the principles of effective communication

  2. Describing the communication models in workshop

  3. Demonstrate the basic skills component of teaching / workshop

Communication skills

  1. Principles of effective communication

  2. Communication models in workshop

  3. Basic teaching skills component

  1. Participants learn about effective communication

  2. Participants discuss about communication models in the workshop setting

90 minutes

Test Practice

Projector Slide PP Module 2

3. Facilitator skills for data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS,and InaSAFE workshop (2 hours)

Practise data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  1. Practise data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS and InaSAFE workshop using adult learning

  2. Practise communication skills in data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

** Facilitator Skills for Data Collection and Analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  1. Implementation of adult learning in data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

  2. Implementation of communication skills data collection and analysis through OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE workshop

Participants practise their facilitating skill for data collection and analysis using OSM, QGIS, and InaSAFE Workshop

90 minutes


Projector Slide PPT


After completing the three trainings, including the Training of Trainers for Scenario Development for Contingency Planning using OSM and QGIS/InaSAFE, it is expected that workshop organisers from national or province/district level can use this document as reference in order to create the same output.

This curriculum is continually augmented and improved through input from stakeholders, such as government officials or non-government who are included in the working group.