Getting Help

If you need help using InaSAFE, join the InaSAFE mailing list or connect with other local users.

InaSAFE Google Group mailing list


You do not need a google account to use this forum/mailing list!

If you experience problems using InaSAFE, have suggestions on improving the software or simply would like to get in contact with other InaSAFE users, join our google group by sending an email to:

You can unsubscribe from the list at any time by sending an email to:

You can view the message archive of this forum on the InaSAFE users group page at:!forum/inasafe-users

Localised help

For users in Indonesia, there is a Facebook group where you can request help in Indonesian language.

Getting involved

To help in the development of InaSAFE or report a bug, visit Getting involved.