Batch Runner

Batch Runner

Batch Runner

With this tool you can set up numerous scenarios and run them all in one go. For example, in a typical use case you might define a number of flood impact scenarios all using a standard dataset, such as flood.shp. As new flood data becomes available you replace flood.shp and rerun the scenarios using the batch runner. Using this approach you can quickly produce regional contingency plans as your understanding of hazards changes. When you run the batch of scenarios, PDF reports are generated automatically and all placed in a single common directory making it easy for you to browse and disseminate the reports produced.

Steps for using the Batch Runner

  1. Create a normal scenario. Run the scenario to make sure it is valid.

  2. Save the scenario Save current scenario use an easily accessible folder.

  3. Repeat the previous step until a few scenarios have been saved.

  4. Go to the Window menu –> Plugins –> InaSAFE –> Batch Runner you should see a dialog box like below

Batch Runner Dir

Batch Runner Directory

  1. Set the scenario directory to the one used in step 2. If this is done correctly the results table will list your saved scenarios.

  2. Set output destination to an easily accessible directory, this is where all your reports will go.

  3. Run all your scenarios it should look like below

Batch Runner Busy

Batch Runner Busy

look in the output destination. You should see all the reports and a batch report confirmation.

Batch Runner Results

Batch Runner Results